Sunday, January 23, 2011

Port Arthur

由於 La Nina 現象,整個夏天比過往兩年,溫度低了10,又多雨。過往兩年的夏天,溫度有28-9,有時高達32,無雲真是“曬爆頭”。
昨日天晴,氣溫只有11℃至20℃。雖然低溫我們都決定到 Port Arthur 遊覽。Port Arthur是世界文化遺產之一,也是澳洲歷史的一部分。Port Arthur Historic Sites Visitor Guide 就有以下的介紹:
The Port Arthur Historic Site is a place of national and international significance - part of the epic story of the settlement of this country.
Port Arthur was much more than a prison. It was a complete community - home to military personnel and free settler. The convicts worked at farming and industries, producing a large range of resources and materials.
The Port Arthur Historic Site contains more than 30 historic buildings, extensive ruins and beautiful grounds and gardens.
Port Arthur penal station was established in 1830 as a timber-getting camp, using convict labour to produce sawn logs for government projects. From 1833 Port Arthur was used as a punishment station for repeat offenders from all the Australian colonies.

On Sunday 28 April 1996, a tragic chapter was added to Port Arthur's history when a gunman took the lives of 35 people and physically wounded 19 others in and around the Port Arthur Historic Site.


Friday, January 7, 2011

Bridestowe Lavender Estate


今年的夏天特別凍,比過往的氣溫少56度。上個月常常下雨,好彩 Tasmania 沒有像昆士蘭受到洪水氾濫的天災。
14日氣溫是9℃至22℃,密雲不雨。今次的目的地是薰衣草場,早上8點半開車北上。沿著l號公路,經過 KemptonOatlands Ross 來到 Campbell Town ,老伴已駕駛了2小時車,雖要停下來休息一下。到 Bagnio Café 飲柸咖啡吃件餅。Campbell Town 特色之處是:行人道上的磚頭刻上當年被英國判刑,遞解來澳洲服刑的囚犯名字及犯了什麼罪行和判刑多少。當年只要偷麵包,被判7年監禁,入居爆竊判終身監禁。
來到 Bridestowe Lavender Estate 已是11時半。Bridestowe 是世界最大的私人薰衣草種植場有260 acres。在1921CK(Charles) Denny 與其家族從英國來到 Tasmania ,他們帶同 Lavandula angustifolia 種子是真正的法國種,在1922年創立了Bridestowe Lavender Estate.
Bridestowe Estate Woodcroft Café、(我們在這裏吃午餐,價錢不貴)、The VerandaThe Diesel TanksThe Dried Flower ShedThe DistilleryThe Drying PadThe Visitor Centre
Visitor Centre 內有很多用薰衣草製成的物品,我就買了兩瓶薰衣草蜜糖。今天整個車程是530公里,來回用上8小時,沿途經過牧場、葡萄園,看到廣闊平原令人好舒暢。



Sunday, January 2, 2011

