過去的星期一至三(12號至14號),天氣預測天晴和溫暖10℃至23℃。上個星期六在綱上預訂 Gordon River Cruise 同兩晚 Cabins。
星期一(12號)早上10點開車,途經 New Norfolk、 在 Hamilton 小休半小時。再行車個多小時在 Tattalrah 水力發電站午餐半小時。沿途經過好幾個湖區和 Lagoon。來到 Queenstown 已是下午2點幾。遊覽一吓 Queenstown 再行車45分鐘就到 Strahan。來到 Strahan 已是下午5時。
Strahan 在塔省西面,出名天氣變幻莫測,一日有四季。Strahan 的歷史和好去處,旅遊局有以下的介紹:
Strahan was named in 1833 after Governor George Strahan, appointed in 1881, and has been the main west coast port for more than 160 years. Many changes have occurred since the days when huge rafts of Huon pine were floated along the Gordon River to Strahan for milling and export. Nevertheless, a reminder of the pining era can be seen on the Strahan wharf, where a Huon pine sawmill still utilizes the boom and derrick that lifted the pine logs from the water. Strahan's economy is now centered on fishing, forestry and tourism and it is the starting point for Gordon River cruises. Tsamania's largest river, the Gordon is navigable for 42km and forms part of the World Heritage Area.
Strahan 的好去處:
Cruise on the Gordon River and Macquarie Harbour, call at Sarah Island-a former penal settlement, fly over western and south-western regions in a seaplane, take a jet boat ride on the King River sail the waterways on the vintage yacht, visit Ocean Beach and Hogarth Falls.
Strahan 只有一間超級市場和一間油站,超級市場的物價比 Hobart貴一半至一倍,油站是每 litre貴2毫子。